Field Testing / RUM

What is Field Testing?

Field Testing is a type of performance monitoring that collects and analyzes website performance metrics, as seen from the perspective of real traffic. This data allows you to get insights into how well your site is performing and identify any issues that your audience might experience.

What's unique about PageVitals Field Testing is that it doesn't monitor or track user or their behavior. We solely send technical information about how fast the website loads, how the 3rd party scripts behave (if they introduce loading or processing delays) and if the website exhibits unwanted layout shifts. We don't set cookies, track user information, behavior or browsing journeys. This makes our tool a good choice in a post-GDPR/CCPA world.

PageVitals offers Field Testing as a part of the product suite. We recommend using Field Testing together with other data sources such as Chrome UX Report (CrUX) and Lighthouse tests.

Does the script impact my page speed?

The PageVitals Field Testing script is loaded asynchronously and takes around 8 KB to download. Being super passionate about page speed, we're using all best practices to make sure the impact is completely unnoticeable.

Are there any privacy concerns?

PageVitals Field Testing was built with a privacy-first and data minimalist approach. The script does not use cookies or other browser storage mechanisms. It does not send any personal information, does not track user behavior, only browser performance data. The IP address that is sent as a part of the data calls made to our platform is discarded upon entry. See Section 4 of our Privacy policy for more detailed information.