Page Speed Monitoring

Get an accurate read on your website's speed and recommendations to improve it.

Synthetic tests and multistep tests

Automate your lighthouse reports and receive notifications is something is off. Use multistep tests to understand how pages behind a login load.

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Test overview
Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals test

Want to rank faster and consistently? Don't know what's making your website slow? use PageVitals to audit your website and find the reason behind sluggish pages.

Audit my website now

See what Google sees

With Chrome UX Report (CrUX) data you'll see how your website performs based on real-world traffic, using the same metrics Google uses as a ranking signal. As a bonus, you can check the metrics of your competitors and you instantly get access to historical data.

Get a CrUX report now
Network waterfall

A fast website is green 🌿

Decarbonize your website by speeding it up, and do our planet a favor. A green website strengthens your brand image and helps attract the right customers and employees.

Try this free