Whitelisting PageVitals in Popular Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)

When static IP addresses are not feasible for whitelisting PageVitals, you can use alternative methods such as User-Agent strings or custom HTTP headers. This guide covers how to whitelist requests based on these identifiers in some of the most popular web application firewalls.

  1. CloudFlare WAF
  2. AWS WAF
  3. ModSecurity
  4. Imperva WAF

Whitelisting methods

User-Agent whitelisting

Most WAFs allow you to create rules based on the User-Agent string. For PageVitals, you can whitelist requests where the User-Agent ends with "PageVitals".

Custom HTTP header whitelisting

Alternatively, you can use a custom HTTP header like "X-Crawler: PageVitals" to identify your crawler. In this case you have to add the HTTP header to the PageVitals Test Agent first.

WAF-specific configuration

CloudFlare WAF

  1. Go to Websites in your CloudFlare dashboard and select your website.
  2. Go to the Security > WAF section, and click Custom Rules.
  3. UnCreate a new rule with the following conditions:
    • For User-Agent: Select User Agent in the field dropdown (you can scroll the list), then ends with as operator, and PageVitals as value. Alternatively click "Edit expression" and add (ends_with(http.user_agent, "PageVitals")).
    • For custom header: Select Header in the field dropdown (scroll down in the list), then equals, and then the value such as my-secret-token. Alternatively click "Edit expression" and add (any(http.request.headers["X-PV-Token"][*] eq "my-secret-token")).
  4. Set the action to "Skip", and skip the other blocking rules you have set up.

Cloudflare WAF Custom Rules

Read more on Cloudflare WAF docs


Here’s how you can create an AWS WAF rule to allow traffic either based on a User-Agent string or a custom HTTP header:

  1. Navigate to AWS WAF in the AWS Management Console.

  2. Create a Web ACL or select an existing one.

  3. Add a new rule under the Web ACL.

    • Option 1 (User-Agent string)

      • Add a String Match statement.
      • Specify User-Agent as the request component to inspect.
      • Use the Ends With operator and set the value to "PageVitals".
    • Option 2 (HTTP Header)

      • Add a String Match statement.
      • Specify X-PV-Token as the HTTP header to inspect.
      • Set the match value to "my-secret-token".
  4. Define rule action (allow or block) based on the match.

  5. Save and deploy.

AWS WAF Dashboard

Read more on AWS WAF Documentation


Add the following rules to your ModSecurity configuration:

# Whitelist based on User-Agent
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent "@endsWith PageVitals" "id:1000,phase:1,allow,nolog"

# Whitelist based on custom header
SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:X-PV-Token "@streq my-secret-token" "id:1001,phase:1,allow,nolog"

Imperva WAF

  1. In the Imperva WAF dashboard, go to the "Security Rules" section.
  2. Create a new custom rule with the following logic:
    • For User-Agent: ${httpRequestHeaders.user-agent} ends-with "PageVitals"
    • For custom header: ${httpRequestHeaders.x-pv-token} equals "my-secret-token"
  3. Set the action to "Accept Request".

Remember to test these configurations thoroughly in a staging environment before applying them to your production setup. Adjust the rules as necessary to fit your specific use case and security requirements.

If you can't make it work, try whitelisting our IP addresses instead.