
Obtain an API key

First thing you need to do is to obtain an API key. This is done by clicking the account/profile menu in the upper right corner, and clicking API Keys.

Then click the Create API key button.

API keys

Choose the access level

The API key can have different access levels. You can choose between Admin and Viewer.

  • Admin gives the API key full admin rights, meaning it can access all reports, change settings and budgets and create + delete websites.
  • Viewer gives the API key read-only access to the reports of the websites.

Create new key

Get the key and store it

When done, hit "Create API key". A new modal will show the actual key. Copy the key to a safe location because it will only be shown once and cannot be retrieved again.

The actual API key

Using the API key in the REST API

PageVitals API uses Bearer Authentication (also called token authentication) which means sending the API key in the Authorization HTTP header, prefixed by the "Bearer " string, like this:

Authorization: Bearer 1cb3d898-b4ad-4b05-b980-76ed42c6e692.4a34c744-5ff6-4862-a397-a992a789ea60