Google Search Console

Google Search Console Integration

PageVitals offers a seamless integration with Google Search Console, enabling you to effortlessly access crucial search metrics within their PageVitals account. By connecting your Search Console account, you gain immediate access to valuable insights including impressions, clicks, click-through rate (CTR), and average position for your web pages.

With this integration, there's no need for manual data collection or switching between platforms. Simply connect your Search Console account to PageVitals and unlock a wealth of actionable search data directly within your dashboard.

How it works

  1. Go to Settings / Integrations
  2. Under the Google Search integration, click "Connect"Google Search Console integration
  3. You're redirected to a page asking permission to let PageVitals access your Google Search Console data. Click Accept.
  4. PageVitals searches for a web property that matches the domain in your account. If it's found, the integration is immediately enabled.
  5. To test if it works, go to the Pages overview. Click Choose Metrics and select "Google Search". You should now see Impressions, Clicks, CTR and Position of your pages.Google Search Console integration
  6. If you click one of the pages, you should also see a "Google Search" tab that gives you the search metrics viewed as charts for the selected page.Google Search Console integration

Disabling the integration

To disable the integration, go to Integrations and click Disconnect under the Google Search integration.