Test detail

Test information

Get detailed information about a single test.

GET /{website-id}/tests/{test-id}

The result looks like this:

200 OK
"series_id": "laketgppkw",
"test_id": "fl73t71fgxnpxx9l",
"status": "completed",
"website": "k4gcm39k5l",
"created": "2023-06-28T01:25:23.754Z",
"device": "desktop",
"url": "https://pagevitals.com/",
"page_id": "pnu2bpyaqy",
"lighthouse_version": "10.1.1",
"location": "europe-west1",
"runner": "vm",
"performance_score": 100,
"accessibility_score": 100,
"best_practices_score": 100,
"seo_score": 100,
"bytes_total": 263144,
"bytes_doc": 9820,
"bytes_image": 166858,
"bytes_js": 78401,
"bytes_css": 7884,
"bytes_font": 0,
"bytes_media": 0,
"bytes_other": 181,
"bytes_thirdparty": 75329,
"dom_elements": 165,
"dom_max_depth": 9,
"fcp": 356,
"lcp": 477,
"speed_index": 395,
"tbt": 0,
"cls": 0,
"tti": 356,
"cpu_total": 219,
"cpu_parse_html": 10,
"cpu_script_eval": 50,
"cpu_layout": 50,
"cpu_parse_script": 9,
"cpu_render": 28,
"cpu_gc": 0,
"cpu_other": 71,
"opportunities": [
"opportunity_count": 3,
"blocking_third_party": "[]",
"dom_ready": 298,
"on_load": 422,
"dns_time": 12,
"connect_time": 20,
"server_time": 82,
"ttfb": 116,
"transfer_time": 1,
"budgets_exceeded": [
"budgets_at_risk": [],
"budgets_exceeded_count": 1,
"budgets_at_risk_count": 0,
"validation_errors": 25,
"validation_info": 0,
"elapsed_sec": 21,
"page_alias": "Home"


GET /{website-id}/tests/{test-id}/opportunities

This gives you a list of the opportunities identified by Lighthouse:

200 OK
"result": {
"lighthouseVersion": "10.1.1",
"list": {
"csp-xss": {
"id": "csp-xss",
"title": "Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks",
"category": "best-practices"
"uses-long-cache-ttl": {
"id": "uses-long-cache-ttl",
"title": "Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy",
"displayValue": "6 resources found",
"category": "performance"
"bf-cache": {
"id": "bf-cache",
"title": "Page prevented back/forward cache restoration",
"displayValue": "3 failure reasons",
"category": "performance"

Network waterfall

GET /{website-id}/tests/{test-id}/waterfall

This gives you a list of the requests made on your website:

200 OK
"result": {
"list": [
"index": 0,
"url": "https://pagevitals.com/",
"start": 0,
"method": "GET",
"type": "doc",
"status": 200,
"time": 117,
"blocked": 2,
"dns": 12,
"connect": 20,
"tls": 15,
"wait": 82,
"send": 0,
"receive": 1,
"size": 9820,
"render_blocking": false,
"http": "h2",
"priority": 5,
"longTasks": [
"startTime": 211.835,
"duration": 63.895
"lcp": false
"index": 1,
"url": "https://pagevitals.com/css/main.css",
"start": 126,
"method": "GET",
"type": "css",
"status": 200,
"time": 81,
"blocked": 3,
"dns": -1,
"connect": -1,
"tls": -1,
"wait": 76,
"send": 0,
"receive": 2,
"size": 6454,
"render_blocking": true,
"http": "h2",
"priority": 5,
"longTasks": [],
"lcp": false
"pageTimings": {
"onContentLoad": 298,
"onLoad": 422,
"lcp": 477

(we're working on the docs...)

HTML Validation

GET /{website-id}/tests/{test-id}/validation

(we're working on the docs...)