Get CrUX timeline

Gets the daily timeline of Chrome UX Report (CrUX) values for the page, if available. All values are the 75th percentile. No other value is available in the CrUX report.

GET /{website-id}/pages/{page-id}/crux?device={device}

The device and date range are set using these querystring parameters:

Querystring parameterDescription
dateThe date range in yyyyMMdd-yyyyMMdd format. Defaults to last 90 days. Example: 20230401-20230501
deviceMandatory. Either desktop or mobile

The result looks like this:

"result": [
"date": "2023-03-31",
"count": 1,
"lcp": 1472,
"fcp": 1320,
"fid": null,
"cls": 0,
"ttfb": 637,
"inp": null,
"passed": 1
"date": "2023-04-01",
"count": 1,
"lcp": 1435,
"fcp": 1329,
"fid": null,
"cls": 0,
"ttfb": 637,
"inp": null,
"passed": 1

The properties for each array item are:

PropertyData typeDescription
dateyyyyMMddThe date that the metrics are averaged over
lcpintegerLargest Contentful Paint (ms)
fidintegerFirst Input Delay (ms)
clsintegerCumulative Layout Shift (unitless)
fcpintegerFirst Contentful Paint (ms)
ttfbintegerTime To First Byte (ms)
inpintegerInteraction To Next Paint (ms)
passedinteger1 if Core Web Vitals passed, otherwise 0

Note that some of the metrics can be null or missing - commonly the interactivity metrics (fid and inp).