Page list

Page list

Get a list of the pages (one for each device - desktop/mobile) as well as the latest metrics. To get a raw list of the pages and the ability to edit them, see Settings / Pages

GET /{website-id}/pages

The result looks like this:

200 OK
"result": {
"list": [
"id": "27ebx6g5v2",
"alias": "Home",
"url": "/",
"device": "desktop",
"timeline": [
"date": "2023-06-15",
"fcp": 942,
"lcp": 5458,
"cls": 0.39,
"tbt": 174,
"ttfb": 875,
"speed_index": 3735,
"performance_score": 43,
"accessibility_score": 100,
"best_practices_score": 83,
"seo_score": 92,
"kb_total": 2745,
"cpu_total": 2371,
"budgets_exceeded": 2,
"budgets_at_risk": 0,
"opportunities": 20,
"crux_lcp": 1604,
"crux_fid": 7,
"crux_cls": 0.01,
"crux_fcp": 959,
"crux_ttfb": 701,
"crux_inp": 151,
"crux_passed": 1
"latest": {
"fcp": 942,
"lcp": 5458,
"cls": 0.39,
"tbt": 174,
"ttfb": 875,
"speed_index": 3735,
"performance_score": 43,
"accessibility_score": 100,
"best_practices_score": 83,
"seo_score": 92,
"kb_total": 2745,
"cpu_total": 2371,
"budgets_exceeded": 2,
"budgets_at_risk": 0,
"opportunities": 20,
"crux_lcp": 1604,
"crux_fid": 7,
"crux_cls": 0.01,
"crux_fcp": 959,
"crux_ttfb": 701,
"crux_inp": 151,
"crux_passed": 1

Each website item has these properties:

idThe internal ID of the page
aliasThe displayed name of the page in the admin UI
urlThe relative URL of the page, relative to the website domain
deviceEither desktop or mobile
timelineAn array of metrics, one for each day. See below
latestA collection of metrics, averaged over the last 3 days. See below.

The timeline array items and the latest collection contain the same properties, with the only exception that the timeline array items contains the date property which shows the date in the yyyy-MM-dd format. The properties are shown here:

Properties from Lighthouse tests

PropertyData typeDescription
fcpintegerFirst Contentful Paint (ms)
lcpintegerLargest Contentful Paint (ms)
clsfloatCumulative Layout Shift (unitless)
tbtintegerTotal Blocking Time (ms)
ttfbintegerTime To First Byte (ms)
speed_indexintegerSpeed Index (ms)
performance_scoreintegerPerformance Score (ms)
accessibility_scoreintegerAccessibility Score (ms)
best_practices_scoreintegerBest Practices Score (ms)
seo_scoreintegerSEO Score (ms)
kb_totalintegerTotal transfer size (KB)
cpu_timeintegerTotal CPU time (ms)
budgets_exceededintegerNumber of budgets exceeded
budgets_at_riskintegerNumber of budgets within 10% of exceeding
opportunitiesintegerNumber of opportunities / recommendations identified by Google Lighthouse

Properties from CrUX

PropertyData typeDescription
crux_lcpintegerLargest Contentful Paint (ms)
crux_fidintegerFirst Input Delay (ms)
crux_clsintegerCumulative Layout Shift (unitless)
crux_fcpintegerFirst Contentful Paint (ms)
crux_ttfbintegerTime To First Byte (ms)
crux_inpintegerInteraction To Next Paint (ms)
crux_passedinteger1 if Core Web Vitals passed, otherwise 0

Properties from Google Search Console

If you have enabled the Google Search Console integration, you'll also get these metrics

PropertyData typeDescription
impressionsintegerGoogle impressions the past 14 days
clicksintegerGoogle Search clicks the past 14 days
CTRdoubleThe average click through rate the past 14 days (in percent)
positionintegerThe average position on Google's search result page the past 14 days